The practices, ideas and approaches of yoga we offer you have ancient and modern roots in what is now known as India.

Hatha Yoga

Hatha Yoga Class

Hatha Yoga refers to the most widely practiced form of yoga in America. It is the branch of yoga which concentrates on physical health and mental well-being. Hatha yoga uses bodily postures (asanas), breathing techniques (pranayama), and meditation (dyana) with the goal of bringing about a healthy body, clear mind and a sense of well-being.

The majority of Three Trees Yoga classes are based in the hatha tradition.

Gentle Yoga (Series and Drop In)
Well-suited to those who are looking for a relaxed, gentle paced workout. The poses are presented with many modifications, making the class appealing to anyone with moderate physical, medical or age-related challenges. More information on Getting Started.


Beginner Yoga: Level I (Drop In)
A moderately paced class for students who are physically healthy but new to yoga, or prefer a less-rigorous class. Attention focuses on conscious breathing, healthy alignment in poses while gaining strength, flexibility and focus. The Intro to Yoga Series is recommended as a prerequisite but not required.

Mixed Level: Level I-II (Drop In)
Open to both beginners and the more experienced practitioners. The pace will be a little faster than a strict Level I with less emphasis on alignment in the basic postures. Options will be given for both the beginner to practice safely and the experienced student to feel challenged.

Vinyasa/Flow: Level I-II (Drop In)
Open to both beginners and the more experienced practitioners. The pace increases in this class as postures flow together in a graceful way and in time with your breath. It will build heat, strength, and endurance. The sequence will vary from class to class and modifications/options will be given for those newer to the practice. It is important that the student has an understanding of basic poses, a desire for an energizing pace and an awareness of their own limitations.

“I love that Samitha teaches challenging poses, including the intermediate/prep poses and modifications to meet the needs of each participant. She really helps each person gradually advance their practice from wherever they are.”

– Angie Fosmark

Vinyasa or Flow Yoga: Level II (Drop in)
The pace increases in this class as postures flow together in a graceful way and in time with your breath. It will build heat, strength, and endurance. The sequence will vary from class to class. It is even more important that the student has an understanding of basic poses and their own limitations.


Unique, Specialty Classes:

Restorative Yoga (Drop in)

This class involves only the most delicious yoga poses. It includes very gentle stretching as well as relaxing postures that are held for several minutes. The body is invited to release and let go while the mind is encouraged to be quiet and awake.

You will experience a variety of poses that help to: * relieve anxiety and nervousness * treat and prevent head aches * soothe the nervous system *combat insomnia * relieve depression and foggy thinking * improve digestion * reduce symptoms of PMS * refresh and rejuvenate the entire body. Dim lights, soft music, bolsters, blankets and lavender-scented eye pillows will assist you in releasing tension from the body and the mind.  Float home and enjoy the rest of your weekend in peace.  No previous yoga experience required. All props are provided. Pre-registration strongly recommended. Class size limited.

Community Yoga: Level I-II (Drop In)

The purpose of this class is to provide yoga at an affordable rate for every one and to give new teachers a place to fine tune their skills. Pay what you can or use your current drop in pass.


Mindful Yoga (Drop in)

A mixed level hatha yoga class with an emphasis on embodied present moment awareness. Attention is given to alignment and breath as well as to what is arising in the mind/heart. The intention for the class is not about form or stamina but rather about how to be with one’s experience in an open, kind, and discerning way. This practice allows you to experience pathways to meet life’s ups and downs with greater equanimity and self-compassion. 


Prenatal Yoga (Drop in)

This class provides pregnant people with a safe and supportive space to connect with their changing bodies and navigate each stage of their pregnancy. Come and connect with other parents-to-be, and tap into your innate wisdom.

This class is accessible to all abilities and will guide you through postures that prepare you for pregnancy, birth, and a smooth postpartum recovery. Classes interweave childbirth education and address some common aches and pains of pregnancy. You will cultivate a greater self-awareness and deepen your connection with your growing baby. Taught with a sensitivity that this is an often exciting but vulnerable time in our lives, these classes will help you navigate your changing body and life with grace and acceptance.






Yoga Nidra:

Yoga Nidra is a powerful technique in which you learn to relax consciously. In Yoga Nidra, the state of relaxation is reached by turning inwards, away from outer experiences. One appears to be asleep, but the consciousness is functioning at a deeper level of awareness. For this reason, yoga nidra is often referred to as psychic sleep or deep relaxation with inner awareness. In this threshold state between sleep and wakefulness, contact with the subconscious and unconscious dimensions occurs spontaneously. This is yoga nidra, the state of dynamic sleep. Just come, get into savasana (a pose that involves lying flat on the floor), and enjoy!



Private Yoga Sessions


Private sessions allow a student to practice postures, breath practices and meditations that address their unique needs.

Helpful for: Conditions such as anxiety, depression, fibromyalgia, cancer recovery, digestive issues, arthritis, MS, insomnia, migraines, menopausal symptoms, injuries that make it difficult to attend a regular yoga class and a desire for personal instruction until confidence is built enough to attend drop-in classes.