18th Anniversary Celebration
Free Classes, Prizes & Special Offers All Weekend. Anniversary Weekend Schedule: Classes are 45 minutes unless otherwise noted Saturday: 9am Gentle Yoga with Dana K. 10am Intro to Yoga with…
Free Classes, Prizes & Special Offers All Weekend. Anniversary Weekend Schedule: Classes are 45 minutes unless otherwise noted Saturday: 9am Gentle Yoga with Dana K. 10am Intro to Yoga with…
Listen to that voice that calls you to dive more deeply into the yoga that you love. Find out more about the Three Trees Yoga Teacher Training, an in-depth studies program. You don't need to know if you want to be a teacher or be able to put your foot behind your head to take…
Join Katie Beloved and Katie Bonnett for 2 hours of blissful deep rest and intention-setting through a restorative yoga practice, guided yoga nidra meditation and a therapeutic sound bath. We…
Adjusting from the fun and freedom of summer into the structured routines of fall can be difficult for teachers, students and parents alike. Transitioning from one season to the next can be stressful on our bodies and minds but mindfulness practices such as gentle yoga and meditation can be supportive of our well being and…
Join Katie Beloved and Katie Bonnett for 2 hours of blissful deep rest and intention-setting through a restorative yoga practice, guided yoga nidra meditation and a therapeutic sound bath. We will begin our class with gentle yoga to warm the body and calm the mind. Our practice will lead into yoga nidra, also referred to…
Gentle Yoga & Meditations inspired with intentions from our favorite books. The inspiration for the October series will be “The Radiance Sutras” by Lorin Roche Ph.D. We will start each class with a short reading or excerpts from our book of the series(you are not required to own the book to attend the series). Followed…
Join us for a nourishing, relaxing and fun yoga series for the middle schoolers in your life. This series is a fun exploration of yoga, movement, meditation, creative expression, sound healing with singing bowls, community connection and more. The intention of this series is to introduce and offer these practices of self care to help…
Stay present and enjoy the gifts of the holiday season with this 6-week Gentle Yoga series that will assist you in remaining grounded and centered in gratitude. Practicing gentle yoga brings ease and mobility to our bodies, while practicing gratitude has been shown to improve sleep, mood and immunity. This series offers gentle movement, restorative poses and relaxing meditations that will…
Join Katie Beloved and Katie Bonnett for 2 hours of blissful deep rest and intention-setting through a restorative yoga practice, guided yoga nidra meditation and a therapeutic sound bath. We will begin our class with gentle yoga to warm the body and calm the mind. Our practice will lead into yoga nidra, also referred to…
Gentle Yoga & Meditations inspired with intentions from our favorite books. The inspiration for this series will be “Meditations on Intentions and Being” by Rolf Gates. We will start each…